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STANDARD 24 - Staff support and supervision

Underpinning Legislation



  • Staff and volunteers are supported and guided to fulfil their roles and provide a high quality service to children.


The employer is fair and competent, with sound employment practices and good support for all its staff and volunteers.


All staff, volunteers and the registered person are properly managed and supported and understand to whom they are accountable.


Suitable arrangements exist for professional supervision of the agency’s registered person or manager of a local authority fostering service.


Staff have access to support and advice, and are provided with regular supervision by appropriately qualified and experienced staff.


A written record is kept by the fostering service detailing the time, date and length of each supervision held for each member of staff, including the registered person. The record is signed by the supervisor and the member of staff at the end of the supervision.


All staff have their performance individually and formally appraised at least annually and, where they are working with children, this appraisal takes into account any views of children the service is providing for.


Staff and volunteers are able to access the specialist advice needed to provide a comprehensive service for children, including legal advice.