Children are supported to:
- establish positive and appropriate social and sexual relationships;
- develop positive self-esteem and emotional resilience;
- prepare for the world of work and or further or higher education;
- prepare for moving into their own accommodation;
- develop practical skills, including shopping, buying, cooking and keeping food, washing clothes, personal self-care, and understanding and taking responsibility for personal healthcare;
- develop financial capability, knowledge and skills;
- know about entitlements to financial and other support after leaving care, including benefits and support from social care services.
Foster carers contribute to the development of each child’s care plan, in collaboration with the child, including the pathway plan for an “eligible” child, and work collaboratively with the young person’s social worker or personal adviser in implementing the plan.
The fostering service ensures there are comprehensive arrangements for preparing and supporting young people to make the transition to independence. This includes appropriate training and support to foster carers caring for young people who are approaching adulthood. Arrangements are consistent with the young person’s care plan, including their placement plan, pathway plan and transition plan for children with disabilities and special educational needs.
The fostering service has a policy and practical arrangements which enable children to remain with their foster carer(s) into legal adulthood, for example so that s/he may develop appropriate life skills before being required to move to more independent accommodation. Any such decisions are agreed with foster carers at a placement meeting and are detailed in a child’s placement plan.
The above standards are not required for short breaks.