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STANDARD 3 - Promoting positive behaviour and relationships


  • Children enjoy sound relationships with their foster family, interact positively with others and behave appropriately.


Foster carers have high expectations of all of the foster children in their household.


Foster carers provide an environment and culture that promotes, models and supports positive behaviour.


Children are able to develop and practice skills to build and maintain positive relationships, be assertive and to resolve conflicts positively.


Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour in a way that is appropriate to their age and abilities.


Foster carers respect the child’s privacy and confidentiality, in a manner that is consistent with good parenting.


Foster carers have positive strategies for effectively supporting children where they encounter discrimination or bullying wherever this occurs.


Foster carers receive support on how to manage their responses and feelings arising from caring for children, particularly where children display very challenging behaviour, and understand how children’s previous experiences can manifest in challenging behaviour.


All foster carers receive training in positive care and control of children, including training in de-escalating problems and disputes. The fostering service has a clear written policy on managing behaviour, which includes supporting positive behaviour, de-escalation of conflicts and discipline. The fostering service’s policy is made clear to the responsible authority/placing authority, child and parent/s or carers before the placement begins or, in an emergency placement, at the time of the placement.


Each foster carer is aware of all the necessary information available to the fostering service about a child’s circumstances, including any significant recent events, to help the foster carer understand and predict the child’s needs and behaviours and support the child within their household. The fostering service follows up with the responsible authority where all such necessary information has not been provided by the authority.


The fostering service’s approach to care minimises the need for police involvement to deal with challenging behaviour and avoids criminalising children unnecessarily.