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STANDARD 7 - Leisure activities

Underpinning Legislation



  • Children are able to enjoy their interests, develop confidence in their skills and are supported and encouraged to engage in leisure activities.
  • Children are able to make a positive contribution to the foster home and their wider community.


Children develop their emotional, intellectual social, creative and physical skills through the accessible and stimulating environment created within the foster home. Children are supported to take part in school based and out of school activities.


Children pursue individual interests and hobbies. They take part in a range of activities, including leisure activities and trips.


Foster carers understand what is in the child’s placement plan and have clarity about decisions they can make about the day to day arrangements for the child, including such matters as education, leisure activities, overnight stays, holidays, and personal issues such as hair cuts.


Foster carers are supported to make reasonable and appropriate decisions within the authority delegated to them, without having to seek consent unnecessarily.


Children have permission to take part in age appropriate peer activities as would normally be granted by a reasonable parent to their children, within the framework of the placement plan. Decision-making and any assessment of risk to the child should be undertaken on the same basis as a reasonable parent would do.


Children are encouraged and enabled to make and sustain friendships, which may involve reciprocal arrangements to visit friends’ homes.


Children can stay overnight, holiday with friends, or friends and relatives of their foster carer, or go on schools trips, subject to requirements of the care/placement plan, if foster carers consider it appropriate in individual circumstances. CRB checks are not normally sought as a precondition.