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STANDARD 11 - Preparation for a placement


  • Children are welcomed into the foster home and leave the foster home in a planned and sensitive manner which makes them feel loved and valued.
  • Children feel part of the family. They are not treated differently to the foster carer's own children living in the household. The child's needs are met and they benefit from a stable placement.


The service has and implements clear procedures for introducing children into the foster care placement, to the foster carer and to others living in the household, which cover planned and, where permitted, emergency/immediate foster care placements. They help children understand what to expect from living in the foster home.


Children are carefully matched to a foster placement. Foster carers have full information about the child (as set out in standard 3.9).


Unless an emergency placement makes it impossible, children are given information about the foster carer before arrival, and any information (including where appropriate, photographic information) they need or reasonably request about the placement, in a format appropriate to their age and understanding. Wherever possible, children are able to visit the foster carer’s home and to talk with the foster carers in private prior to a placement decision being made. Children can bring their favourite possessions into the foster carer’s home.


Children are given free access to the household facilities as would be consistent with reasonable arrangements in a family home. Foster carers explain everyday household rules and expectations to children.


Where children are leaving the foster family, they are helped to understand the reasons why they are leaving. Children are supported during the transition to their new placement, to independent living or to their parental home.


Foster carers are supported to maintain links with children moving on, consistent with their care plan.