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STANDARD 26 - Individuals who are registered providers of adoption support agencies

(Adoption Support Agencies)

Underpinning Legislation

The Adoption Support Agencies (England) and Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005:


  • The registered provider manages the agency effectively and efficiently and is suitable to work with the agency’s service users. They are trained to ensure the best possible outcomes for service users.


The registered provider has regular supervision with appropriately qualified and experienced persons.


A written record is kept detailing the time and date and length of each supervision. The record is signed by the supervisor and the registered provider at the end of the supervision.


The registered provider undertakes on-going training and appropriate professional and skills development and keeps up-to-date with current issues in the adoption field and developments in legislation and guidance.


The registered provider monitors the management and outcome of the services in order to be satisfied that the agency is effective and is achieving good outcomes for children and/or service users and that the agency is complying with the conditions of registration.


Information is provided to commissioners of services as part of tendering. This includes charges for each of its services and itemised amounts paid for services.


The registered provider has written policy and procedural guidelines on considering and responding to representations and complaints in accordance with legal requirements and relevant Government guidance.


The registered provider has the facilities to work with children, potential service users and service users with physical, sensory and learning impairments, communication difficulties or for whom English is not their first language.


Oral and written communications are made available in a format which is appropriate to the physical, sensory and learning impairments; communication difficulties; and language of children, potential service users, service users, staff, volunteers and persons on the central list. The procedures include arrangements for reading, translating, Makaton, pictures, tape recording and explaining documents to those people who are unable to understand the document.


The registered provider has a comprehensive written health and safety policy and equal opportunities policy for all service users which covers all legal requirements.