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STANDARD 16 - Intermediary services

(Adoption Agencies, Adoption Support Agencies)


  • Adopted adults and birth relatives are assisted to obtain information in relation to the adoption, where appropriate, and contact is facilitated between an adopted adult and their birth relative if that is what both parties want.


Information is provided about the Adoption Contact Register and how to register a wish for contact or no contact; and about absolute and qualified vetoes and the potential benefits and disadvantages of registering a veto.


The applicant is met and their identity verified before any information is disclosed to them, contact facilitated; or a veto is registered.


The Appropriate Adoption Agency and the Intermediary Agency agree a timescale for responding to an enquiry and keeps the Intermediary Agency informed of the progress (or lack of progress) of their enquiry.


Service users are helped to understand the possible effects on them and their family of the outcome of their search.


Service users are consulted on decisions made in relation to their service provision. Consultation with service users is recorded on their individual records.


Agencies seek feedback from service users on the success of the service provision. This feedback is recorded centrally and on the case record of the service user.