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STANDARD 7 - Promoting educational attainment

(Adoption Agencies, Adoption Support Agencies)


  • The education and achievement of children is actively promoted as valuable in itself and as part of their preparation for adulthood. Children are supported to achieve their educational potential.


Children have access to a range of educational resources to support their learning and have opportunities beyond the school day to engage in activities which promote learning.


Children are supported to attend school or alternative provision regularly.


Children are helped by their prospective adopters to achieve their educational or training goals and prospective adopters are supported to work with the child’s education provider to maximise each child’s achievements and to minimise any underachievement.


The placing agency has, and is fully implementing, a written education policy that promotes and values children’s education.


Prospective adopters maintain regular contact with the child’s school and other education settings, attending all parents’ meetings as appropriate and advocating for the child where appropriate.


Prospective adopters engage and work with schools, colleges and other organisations, to support the child’s education including advocating to help overcome any problems the child may be experiencing in their education setting.