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STANDARD 9 - Providing a suitable physical environment for the child

(Adoption Agencies, Adoption Support Agencies)


  • Children live with prospective adopters whose home provides adequate space, to a suitable standard. The child enjoys access to a range of activities which promote their development.


The adoption agency ensures during the assessment of the prospective adopters’ suitability to adopt, that the prospective adopters’ home can comfortably accommodate all who live there. It is warm, adequately furnished and decorated, free of avoidable hazards, is maintained to a good standard of cleanliness and hygiene and is in good order throughout. Outdoor spaces, which are part of the premises are safe, secure and well maintained.


The adoption agency has a written policy concerning safety for children in the prospective adopters’ home, and in vehicles used to transport the child, which is regularly reviewed in line with the most recent guidance from relevant bodies. The policy is understood and successfully implemented by prospective adopters.