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STANDARD 18 - Statement of Purpose and Children’s Guides

(Adoption Agencies, Adoption Support Agencies)


  • Children, service users and staff are clear about the aims and objectives of the adoption agency/adoption support agency, and what services and facilities it provides.
  • The adoption agency/adoption support agency meets the aims and objectives in the Statement of Purpose.


The adoption agency and adoption support agency has a clear statement of purpose which is available to and understood by staff, volunteers, children, birth parents and guardians, prospective adopters and adopters, and is reflected in any policies, procedures and guidance.


The aims and objectives of the Statement of Purpose should be outcome focussed and, for adoption agencies, show how the service will meet outcomes for children.


The adoption agency*/registered person of the adoption support agency formally approves the statement of purpose and children’s guides, and reviews them at least annually.

*In the case of a local authority, the Executive side of the local authority. In the case of a VAA the registered provider and the manager.


The agency’s policies, procedures and any written guidance to staff and volunteers accurately reflect the statement of purpose.

Children’s Guide to adoption


The local authority gives the child a copy of the Children’s Guide to Adoption after the decision maker has decided that the child should be placed for adoption and after being counselled as required by regulation 13 of the Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005. The guide is appropriate to the child’s age and understanding and includes a summary of what happens at each stage (including at court) and how long each stage is likely to take. The Children’s Guide also contains information on how a child can find out their rights, how they can contact their Independent Reviewing Officer, the Children’s Rights Director, Ofsted, if they wish to raise a concern with inspectors, and how to secure access to an independent advocate.

Children’s Guide to adoption support


The Children’s Guide to adoption support services is provided to the child by the adoption agency or Adoption support agency who is providing adoption support. The guide is appropriate to the child’s age and understanding and includes a summary of what the service sets out to do for children and is given to all children and/or their representatives. The Children’s Guide also contains information on how a child can find out their rights, how they can contact their Independent Reviewing Officer, the Children’s Rights Director, Ofsted, if they wish to raise a concern with inspectors, and how to secure access to an independent advocate.